Clinical hydrogen inhaler | 1800

  • Up to 1800 mL/minute flow rate
  • Hydrogen therapy session in 30 minutes
  • Low maintenance
  • Low cost operation
  • Produces hydrogen and oxygen
How does this work? Collapse Icon

Hydrogen inhalers work by using a method known as electrolysis to create molecular hydrogen (H2) gas, which is then inhaled in for its health benefits.

Hydrogen acts like as a selective antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent.

When inhaled, molecular hydrogen can permeate cell membranes (including the blood-brain barrier) and access the inner parts of cells, where it can neutralize damaging free radicals and lower oxidative stress.

Hydrogen is observed to regulate inflammation by strategically lower oxidative , which may provide beneficial outcomes for various health issues.

In the process of electrolysis, electric current is applied to split water molecules (H2O) into hydrogen and oxygen gases. The hydrogen gas is then captured and gathered for the purpose of inhalation.

Is it safe? Collapse Icon

Molecular hydrogen is well-tolerated with few reported side effects in the concentrations used for therapeutic purposes.

Hydrogen gas has been rated GRAS (generally recognized as safe) by the FDA.

According to a 2021 study, from the Boston's Children's Hospital... "Inhalation of 2.4% hydrogen gas does not appear to cause clinically significant adverse effects in healthy adults."

“I was very skeptical about this technology until I used it at a health conference for an hour straight. Being under-slept and undernourished, breathing hydrogen gas brought me back to life. I felt clear as if I had a full night of sleep.”
– Matt Blackburn

Evidence Backed

  • Over 2000+ scientific studies
  • Over 500 peer-reviewed articles
  • 1,600+ researchers
  • 40+ human-based studies
  • And over 100 clinical studies suggest H2 has therapeutic potential for 170 different human, animal, and plant models, and in nearly every organ of the human body.

Research Shows Molecular Hydrogen Can:

Support Cognitive Function

Improve Sleeping Patterns

Support Optimal Homeostasis

Support Healthy Weight Management

Increase Energy Levels

Target Joint Discomfort

Support recovery after brain trauma

Lower inflammatory markers

Help mitochondria function

How does molecular hydrogen work?

• Acts like a weak antioxidant to selectively reduce free radicals (hydroxyl and peroxynitrite) without disturbing essential biological signaling molecules. [15]

• Has a residual effect. One study revealed hydrogen was still having an impact on the body 4 weeks after the study ended.[14]

• Activates the NRF2 pathway when the body is under heavy amounts of stress. One in vitro study of human endothelial tissue showed that molecular hydrogen promoted sirtuin activity AND preserved NAD levels after exposure to a toxin. [16,17]

• Signals ghrelin which can act like a versatile neuroprotective agent, stimulates cognitive activity, and optimizes vascular health. [18]

• Reduces the formation of free radicals by breaking the 'feed-forward' loop and downregulating the oxidative NADPH system. [19]

• Helps reduce distruptive cytokines scavaging hydroxy radicals, discrupting signaling pathways, and upregulating oxidoreduction-related genes.

Here's Why You'll Enjoy It

How Does it Make Hydrogen Gas?

The Magic of Electrolysis

1. Electrolysis: Electricity shoots across platinum coated electrodes and zaps water molecules.

2. Separation: Next, the water molecular (H2O) is split into hydrogen (H2) and oxygen (O2) gases. Finally, each gas is routed to its designated port.

Our Hydrogen Inhaler is built with your safety and the environment in mind. It operates quietly and efficiently, without any harmful byproducts, just pure hydrogen. The process is meticulously controlled to ensure the hydrogen gas you inhale is of the highest purity and safety.

Product Specifications

Flow rate:
Up to 1800 ml/ minute
Tank size:
2 liters (.52 gallons)
110-220V, 50-60 Hz
Water quality:
Distilled Water
28 Pounds
9 inches x 15 inches x 15 inches (W*L*H)
2 - Hydrogen, 1 - Oxygen
Touch screen
Platinum coated titanium
One-year from date of purchase

It Works. Here's What Customers Are Saying...

More Focused...

“I love how easy this product is. You just drop the pill in the water and in a few seconds, your hydrogen is ready. I definitely felt more focused when taking it in the morning.”

- Rodrigo

... similar to coffee without the caffeine buzz.

“Super easy to use, just plop the tablets into a little water and wait about a minute. Immediate observations are increased energy levels, quite similar to drinking coffee, but without the caffine ‘buzz’.”

- Marie B

Raised Antioxidant levels

“Checked my antioxidant levels and told me they were the highest she has ever seen in her practice. I owe it all to Vital Reaction! I have purchased many bottles and try to never run out.”

- Bella Miller

Keeps me going all day...

“I take one tablet of Vital Reaction in water every morning.
It keeps me going all day.”

- Bodil Gajewski

Changed My Morning Routine

“Wow, Vital Reaction hydrogen tablets have changed my morning routine! Talk about a kick start to my day. Hydrogen water gives me a nice launch in the morning and seems to clear my brain and prep me for the day! Vital Reaction is unlike some of other hydrogen tablets, it dissolves quickly and without the need for a closed container. Ordering was easy and shipping was fast! I will be ordering more to share with my friends and family!”

- Anita M Gray


Brain Trauma/ Neurological protection [1,2]

Joint Discomfort [3]

Mitochondria function [13]

Metabolic well-being [12]

Exercise performance [10]

Athletic recovery time [9]

Organ wellness [11]

Wound healing [6-8]

Gum health [4]

Circulation/ vascular health [5]


Vital Reaction's Hydrogen Inhalation Machines use the latest in technology to produce fresh hydrogen for optimal health daily.

Hydrogen inhalers utilizes a process called electrolysis to generate molecular hydrogen (H2) gas, which is then inhaled for its potential health benefits.

During electrolysis, water molecules (H2O) are split into hydrogen and oxygen gases through the application of an electric current. The hydrogen gas produced is captured and collected for inhalation purposes.

The scientific rationale behind hydrogen inhalation therapy lies in hydrogen's role as a potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent. Once inhaled, molecular hydrogen is thought to penetrate cell membranes and reach intracellular compartments, neutralizing harmful free radicals and reducing oxidative stress. Additionally, hydrogen has been shown to modulate inflammation, potentially offering therapeutic effects in various conditions.

As research in this area continues to advance, hydrogen inhalation therapy holds promise as a non-invasive and potentially effective approach to promote overall well-being and support various health conditions. However, it is crucial to note that further studies are needed to better understand the mechanisms involved and to establish clear guidelines for its safe and optimal use. As with any emerging therapeutic modality, consulting healthcare professionals and reputable sources for up-to-date information is essential.

Your Heading Here

Hydrogen inhalation therapy offers a range of potential health benefits that extend beyond its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Scientific studies have indicated its positive impact on various aspects of health, including brain function and neurological well-being.

In the realm of brain health, molecular hydrogen's ability to cross the blood-brain barrier is of particular interest. By doing so, hydrogen gas may reach brain cells and exert its protective effects directly within the central nervous system. Research suggests that hydrogen inhalation might play a role in safeguarding neurons from oxidative stress, reducing inflammation in the brain, and promoting the production of neuroprotective agents.

As a consequence, hydrogen inhalation therapy has been investigated for its potential to support cognitive function, memory, and overall neurological health. Moreover, early studies have explored its application in neurological disorders, such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, with some encouraging results showing a potential for alleviating symptoms and slowing disease progression.

Beyond the brain, hydrogen inhalation has shown promise in improving skin health, enhancing muscle recovery, and supporting cardiovascular function, among other areas. Nonetheless, it is essential to emphasize that while the existing research is encouraging, further investigations and clinical trials are necessary to fully comprehend the extent of hydrogen inhalation's efficacy for specific brain-related conditions.

As scientists continue to delve into the potential benefits and underlying mechanisms of hydrogen inhalation therapy, this innovative approach holds promise as a complementary and non-invasive strategy to support brain health and overall well-being. Individuals interested in exploring the potential advantages of hydrogen inhalation for neurological concerns should seek guidance from healthcare professionals and remain vigilant for updates in the rapidly evolving field of hydrogen therapy.

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Scientific studies have explored hydrogen inhalation therapy's effects, showing promise for various health conditions like inflammation, oxidative stress, and neurological disorders. Further research is required to confirm its mechanisms and application

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Hydrogen inhalation is widely regarded as safe and well-tolerated, making it an attractive therapeutic option for various individuals seeking potential health benefits. One of the primary reasons for its safety is that molecular hydrogen (H2) gas, the main component in hydrogen inhalation therapy, is considered non-toxic. When inhaled, the body processes any excess hydrogen gas, and it is subsequently exhaled harmlessly so it doesn’t accumulate in the body.

Clinical studies and research trials have reported that hydrogen gas is non-reactive and does not cause cellular damage, making it a gentle option for those exploring alternative therapies.

The safety profile of hydrogen inhalation has been demonstrated in both animal studies and human trials, with little to no adverse effects reported. Minor side effects, such as mild discomfort or bloating, have been exceedingly rare and typically short-lived.

Moreover, hydrogen inhalation therapy has demonstrated minimal drug interactions, making it compatible with many other treatment modalities. This characteristic is especially advantageous for individuals with complex medical conditions or those taking multiple medications, as hydrogen therapy may be incorporated into their existing healthcare regimen with minimal concerns.

While hydrogen inhalation appears to be a promising and safe therapeutic option, its long-term effects and optimal usage still require further investigation. Thus, continuous research and scientific scrutiny are essential to better understand the full scope of hydrogen inhalation therapy's safety and efficacy.

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Hydrogen inhalers offer a unique way to administer hydrogen, distinct from hydrogen-rich water or baths. Inhalation allows direct delivery to the lungs and bloodstream, potentially providing rapid effects. However, the choice of hydrogen delivery method may depend on specific therapeutic goals, and individual preferences.

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Optimal usage of hydrogen inhalers can vary depending on factors such as the specific device, the individual's health needs, and the intended therapeutic goals. While guidelines are still being refined through ongoing research, several key considerations can help determine the most effective and safe approach to hydrogen inhalation therapy.

a) Dosage and Duration: The recommended dosage typically ranges from 1 to 4% hydrogen gas mixed with air, and the duration of inhalation sessions may vary. Commonly, sessions lasting at least 30 minutes are suggested, and some individuals may find benefits with multiple sessions per day. However, the frequency and duration of usage should be determined in consultation with healthcare professionals based on the individual's health status and response to therapy.

b) Targeted Conditions: The duration and frequency of hydrogen inhalation may be influenced by the specific health condition being targeted. For acute conditions, short bursts of inhalation therapy might be more suitable, while chronic conditions might necessitate longer-term, consistent use.

c) Personalized Approach: As each person's physiology and health needs are unique, a personalized approach is crucial for optimizing results. Factors such as age, overall health, lifestyle, and the presence of any underlying health conditions should be considered when determining the ideal hydrogen inhalation protocol.

d) Combined Therapies: Hydrogen inhalation therapy can be used as a standalone treatment or in conjunction with other therapies. Depending on the individual's needs, it may complement existing treatment plans and enhance overall well-being. However, it is essential to discuss the integration of hydrogen therapy with other treatments to avoid potential interactions or contraindications.

e) Monitoring Progress: Regular monitoring and assessment of the individual's response to hydrogen inhalation are vital. Healthcare professionals may use various metrics, such as biomarkers, symptom improvements, or objective assessments, to evaluate the therapy's effectiveness and make any necessary adjustments.

f) Adherence to Safety Guidelines: Following the manufacturer's instructions for the specific hydrogen inhaler is crucial to ensure safe and effective usage. Additionally, adhering to safety guidelines and recommended protocols established by medical experts can further enhance the therapy's benefits while minimizing any potential risks.

It is essential to recognize that while hydrogen inhalation therapy shows promise, comprehensive research is still underway to establish standardized protocols and best practices. Therefore, seeking guidance from qualified healthcare professionals with experience in hydrogen inhalation therapy can offer valuable insights and ensure a safe and tailored approach to reaping the potential benefits of this innovative treatment. As the scientific community continues to advance in this field, ongoing updates and adjustments to protocols may be warranted to optimize outcomes and refine the application of hydrogen inhalation therapy for various health conditions.

Your Heading Here

Several clinical trials have already demonstrated promising results. For example, a July 2023 study from Canada showed H2 therapy can protect kidneys after cardiac transplant in an animal model. [1]

An April 2023 Korean study, showed the effects of H2 as a potent antioxidant for promoting healthy aging and improving the gut biome. [2]

An April 2023 Chinese study recommended H2 to be part of treatment for metabolic issues. [3]

And a March 2023 Japanese study showed that H2 has the potential to help preserve brain function post-cardiac arrest.[4]

[1] Dr. Barbora Kalocayova, Dr. Branislav Kura, Dr. Jana Vlkovicova, Miss Denisa Snurikova, Dr. Norbert Vrbjar, Dr. Karel Frimmel, Dr. Vladan Hudec, Dr. Matej Ondrusek, Dr. Ivo Gasparovic, Dr. Rastislav Sramaty, Dr. Jaroslav Luptak, Dr. Michal Hulman, Mr. Tyler W LeBaron, and Prof.Dr. Jan Slezak. 2023. Molecular hydrogen: prospective treatment strategy of kidney damage after cardiac surgery. Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology. Just-IN

[2] Rahman, M.H.; Jeong, E.-S.; You, H.S.; Kim, C.-S.; Lee, K.-J. Redox-Mechanisms of Molecular Hydrogen Promote Healthful Longevity. Antioxidants 2023, 12, 988.

[3] Xie, F.; Song, Y.; Yi, Y.; Jiang, X.; Ma, S.; Ma, C.; Li, J.; Zhanghuang, Z.; Liu, M.; Zhao, P.; et al. Therapeutic Potential of Molecular Hydrogen in Metabolic Diseases from Bench to Bedside. Pharmaceuticals 2023, 16, 541.


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