Fertility Supplements Reinvented? Antioxidants Shown to Improve Infertility in Men

Fertility Supplements Reinvented? Antioxidants Shown to Improve Infertility in Men

Infertility is one of those things that nobody likes to talk about – especially men who somehow feel that their “manhood” is at risk if their swimmers aren’t Olympic-grade athletes.

Roughly 13% of couples in the US are haunted by this condition, and in one-third of these cases male infertility is the issue.

If it sounds like your childless future may be cemented by infertility, don’t give up hope just yet!

a green sprout

As it turns out, there are fertility supplements you can take to increase your chances of having children. You read that correctly: pills to increase fertility are a real thing!

Best of all, fertility supplements aren’t something you need to purchase in the back of a dark alley.

(Hint: if you know what antioxidants are, then you’re halfway there).

3 Common Causes of Male Infertility

The list of causes of infertility is a long one that we cannot dive into today. Instead, we’ll go over three that afflicts most infertile men.

1. Varicocele

Varicocele is a condition where veins in the scrotum and testicles become swollen. Roughly 16% of men suffer from a form of varicoceles, but in a group infertile and subfertile men, the number skyrockets to 40%.

Varicoceles inhibit blood drainage, causing blood to flow downward from the belly to the scrotum. An abnormal amount of blood creates an inhospitable environment for sperm to thrive.

Basically, this condition kills sperm cells by heating it up with your own blood.

2. Hormonal Disruption

Another common symptomless cause of low sperm count is testosterone disruption.

Testosterone produced in the pituitary gland instructs the testicles to create sperm, but if communication between these two organs is severed in any way, then the rate of sperm growth can drop to far-below-average levels.

But here’s the thing.

Just because you may have a low sperm count doesn’t mean that they aren’t high-quality swimmers. It’s just that fewer sperm cells making it to the egg means a reduced likelihood of achieving pregnancy.

3. Oxidative Stress

If you’ve been with us for a while, then you probably know where we’re going with this.

Oxidative stress is a direct effect of an imbalance between antioxidants and free radicals and reactive oxygen species (ROS).

Oxidative stress has more to do with the deterioration of our body than we give it credit for. By ignoring free radical imbalances for extended periods of time, we’re allowing oxidative stress to accelerate the aging process, induce inflammation, and even make us more susceptible to mind-related illnesses.

Not even the reproduction system is safe from oxidative stress.

As ROS and free radicals take over our bodies, the quality of our sperm takes a huge hit. Sperm cells can warp in shape and become slower or move in irregular patterns.

***It’s important to note that without a full physical exam from your physician, pinpointing which form of infertility you or a loved one suffer from is nearly impossible. Treatment cannot commence without understanding the underlying problem.***

sad man

Treating Infertility with Antioxidant Supplements

Here’s some wonderful news for you!

All three of the common causes of infertility mentioned earlier can all be treated with a healthy dose of antioxidants.

study done earlier this year showed that of a group of 379 infertile men, 274 of them after taking antioxidant supplements (B12, zinc, selenium, arginine, vitamin C, and vitamin E) showed a boost in sperm count and quality.

Essentially, any antioxidant that neutralizes free radical activity can be beneficial for infertile men.

But if you’re looking for the crème de la crème, molecular hydrogen tablets are the way to go.

Molecular Hydrogen: A Pill-Shaped Miracle

The extremely tiny neutrally charged molecule behaves as a master antioxidant. It helps in maintaining a healthy antioxidant and free radical ratio so the destructive uncharged molecules do not cause further damage to your cells and organs.

Molecular hydrogen may also help boost testosterone production which, in turn, improves sperm production, thus leading to a higher success rate.

Furthermore, molecular oxygen, as a selective antioxidant, zeroes in on specific ROS which can impair sperm quality. So not only might it increase the number of swimmers there are, but it also fixes them up to be the best sperm they can be.

Best of all, molecular hydrogen does not negatively affect other ROS that play a vital role in normal physiological functions.

We can go on and on about the magnificent effects that molecular hydrogen supplements can have on your body. In terms of fertility, with our 30 day money back guarantee, it's definitely worth trying risk-free today. 

In conclusion...

It sounds unbelievable, but there are actually supplements to increase fertility in men.

Research has provided us with enough evidence to show that infertility can be treated with common antioxidant supplements. But if you’re looking to kill multiple birds with a single stone (or supplement!), then you should seriously think about molecular hydrogen supplements.

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